How to cancel an event

This guide will show you how to cancel a planned event in the booking system. This is only relevant, if you’re not able to host the event anyway, and therefore need to give the customers a notice about it.

If you have to cancel a planned event, it is done in the booking system. Se the guide below how it is done.

  1. Go to ‘Events‘ in the menu to the left so you get an overview of all created events
  2. Click the ‘pen icon’ to the right of the event you wish to cancel. This icon will appear under ‘Status’ when you hover your mouse over a specific event.
  3. Select ‘Cancelled’
  4. In the ‘Why did you change the status?‘ field, please provide a brief explanation for the event cancellation. This message will be sent to customers who already booked the event.
  5. Make sure that both ‘Send email’ and ‘Send SMS’ are marked. It is important that there is a purple checkmark under ‘Cancel Confirmation’, in order for the customers to get notified.
  6. Finish by clicking ‘OK’
  7. The event has now changed its status to Cancelled in the overview and the customers have been notified

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